Fantastic Tips For Companies That Give Donations to Individuals

A well-known fact about Americans is that they are givers. This is particularly true regarding giving to nonprofits, charitable organizations, and worthy causes.

Companies are willing to donate to fundraisers through online requests on their websites. Below, we will list 10 companies eager to grant your donation requests in 2024. Reach out to them and be amazed at their generous offers to assist your fundraiser!

Home Depot

Home Depot’s philanthropic division, the Home Depot Foundation, through their Community Impact Grants, supports adaptation and repairs to the homes of at-risk communities. They also provide a Veteran Housing Grant to give back to veterans through organizations that support companies that give donations to individuals developing new and better-quality housing for vets. The donation request form for aspirant grantees is available on their website.


JetBlue regularly partners with like-minded nonprofits in their philanthropic giving. Their focus is on education, youth, community, and the environment. The company has several programs that zero in on different needs. An online donation request may be made.

Host Hotels & Resorts

Host Hotels and Resorts supports nonprofit organizations that direct their efforts at education and youth enablement, environmental issues, health, and human well-being. They offer sponsorships, financial contributions, and emergency relief. To view their requirements to be considered for a donation, check their page on recommendations.


Marathon Petroleum Foundation, the philanthropic division of the oil company, concentrates its giving on organizations with 501(c)(3) certificates that focus on public safety, STEM education, and the conservation and sustainability of the environment. No religious or political causes are considered. Make your online donation request by starting your application process.


In response to their request for assistance, Marriott International gives in-kind donations of points towards hotel stays to nonprofit organizations. They specifically give to causes that advance human rights and inclusivity, work opportunities, support of children, and continuing support of responsible operations.


Microsoft has a multipronged way of helping eligible nonprofit organizations worldwide. Microsoft’s Tech for Social Impact Program allows the nonprofit to register for nonprofit offers and nonprofit Digital Skills Training and access the Nonprofit Hub, where you can access custom-made assistance with teamwork, output, and protection for your organization.


Walmart Inc. awards grants to local organizations through an open application process. Funding is provided directly from Walmart and Sam’s Club facilities to community organizations ranging from a minimum of $250 to a maximum of $5,000. You can apply for these grants via their website.


Publix Supermarket Charities supports Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and Virginia communities. Through their online system, contributions are made through grants, gift cards, sponsorships, and program ads. Publix focuses on causes that support youth, education, and helping people experiencing homelessness.

A donation request form can be completed on their online portal.

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Foundation works with an array of national and local nonprofit organizations. The bank’s funding priorities include financial health, housing affordability, small business growth, and sustainability. Grant Eligibility depends on several factors, including the ability to demonstrate fiscal and administrative stability and organizations that deliver services addressing critical community needs. Requirements for eligibility and online applications can be found on their grants page.


Verizon charitable funding prioritizes digital inclusion, climate protection, and human prosperity, and applications are by invitation only. However, nonprofit organizations seeking funding can approach their local community relations manager to determine eligibility. You can visit the Verizon grant requirements page to find your nearest relations manager.

Final Thoughts

There are hosts of companies ready and willing to donate to fundraisers and give towards the upliftment and well-being of their communities and environment. Several are mentioned here, but it is also worth noting that most of these companies’ giving does not stop just donating to nonprofits and charities. There are a host of ways in which they graciously give.

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